LED stands for Light-emitting diode
The current–voltage characteristic of an LED is similar to other diodes, in that the current is dependent exponentially on the voltage (see Shockley diode equation). This means that a small change in voltage can cause a large change in current. If the applied voltage exceeds the LED's forward voltage drop by a small amount, the current rating may be exceeded by a large amount, potentially damaging or destroying the LED. The typical solution is to use constant-current power supplies to keep the current below the LED's maximum current rating. Since most common power sources (batteries, mains) are constant-voltage sources, most LED fixtures must include a power converter, at least a current-limiting resistor. Reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-emitting_diode
The following GPIO pins can be used and controlled
The resistance serves to protect the LED and divide the tension
from gpiozero import LED
from time import sleep
led = LED(17)
while True: